Saturday, February 7, 2009


I took an early morning walk down to Edmonds again.  This time it was a little lighter out and I noticed more stuff!

Like, Edmonds was founded 119 years ago.

Like, Curves exercise emporium for women shares the same parking lot as the Baskin and Robins Ice Cream Parlor.  Convenient!

Like, the dog watering dish outside this store is for dogs that can read!

Like, the new construction in the foreground is about as old as the new construction in the background!
Like, an original one screen theater!!

Like, enough news already!

Like, if you are pissed off at your boyfriend just toss all his clothes into a tree.
(My best guess!)

Like, get in line for the ferry to Kingston.

Like, which way home?

Like, Wow, six and a half miles in two and a half hours!

I "Like" it!


  1. I'm like, all impressed 'n' stuff. Are you sure it's a single screen theater? They can fool you sometimes.

  2. Funny! The clothes I mean. Edmonds is complex if you get off the road which leads to the ferry...

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