Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wishing you.........

Another day dawning on the V. Starr Center.
I hope more people take advantage of this wonderful fitness center.
One year ago I was able to swim two laps.
This morning I did my daily mile!!
It is amazing how much better I feel by finally getting off the couch!
I hope you resolve to get off the couch too!!
Come on in!  The water's fine!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Have a great holiday and...., onward!!
Into the New Year!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Stolstice Eclipse Plus!

 I noticed the full moon out the window last night reminding me there was going to be a special Lunar Solstice Eclipse in a few hours.
This lunar eclipse was to be the first to fall on the winter solstice since 1638. The next solstice eclipse won't be until 2094!!
 Question being, with all the rain squalls, would it be visible here in Fort Bragg?

Yes!!  At 11:10 PM I got a break through the clouds!
The earth shadow well on its way to covering the moon.
That was it for me.  The clouds returned and I went to bed.

In the morning I discovered Cotton Auditorium's marquee in total eclipse!!
Coincidence?  I think not!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can you believe it!!

Finally, a port-a-pot at the Pudding Creek Beach.
For years folks thought the building to the left was a facility.  NOT.  It is a pumping station for sewage.
For several years I have been asking why there isn't a toilet and a garbage can at this popular beach and was told; the beach belongs to State Parks and other folks said it belonged to the city of Fort Bragg but mainly, the problem seemed to be, if those items were installed, someone will have to maintain them.

I don't know who stepped up, parks or city but it is about time.  Good Job!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last rose of summer?

 Probably.  At least on this bush.

I couldn't pass up this photo opp.  Very Fort Braggian.

By the way.  There was a new combination this morning,  Two in the middle lit and the two outriders off!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

See! See!

I told you something was fishy with the lights!  This morning there were three lit!

That's my walking partner Elias in the foreground.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hey! Finally an update!!

This here is a conundrum.   Part of my early morning walk takes me past Cotton Auditorium.  Some days all four marquess lights are on.  Other times, one or three or, like this morning, just the two center ones.  I can't believe there are individual switches for each light and I can't believe they burn out that often and of course, being a guy, I don't ask anyone about it.  So, stay tuned.  I will keep checking and "documenting".

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas round here.

While in other parts of town it looks like Fall.
I couldn't pass this up.  Remember my shopping cart series?

Making progress at the V. Star Center!  We are 1/3rd of the way to the $300,000.00 needed by the 15th of this month!  Currently at $105,000.00.

And finally....
I'm up to something.  I got a plan!!
And a new website.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Here we go!

Donation tracker as of November 29, 2010
Will we pull together to help save the swimming pool?
 We'll see!
Donation Form

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


That's ice!  Yep, a frozen puddle where the SoundWaves building used to be.
It was 28 degrees and frosty during this early morning walk.
Nothing like the snow and ice they have north of here in Oregon and Washington State but, for sunny Fort Bragg, located beside the Pacific Ocean, it is rather unusual.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Auto Focus

One or the other!

This is the favorite perch of our local hummingbird.
The other day I happened to notice the alignment of him and the moon.
Trying to capture them my camera would select one or the other.
By the time I change the setting for maximum depth of field it was too late.
The hummer was gone.  Of course.  :-(

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sad news

Jim Hurst
MCRPD Executive Director

For the past nine months I have been serving as the volunteer Administrator of the Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District and Manager of the C.V. Starr Center. Considerable progress has been made by staff and Board Members to reduce District operating expenses and increase revenue and donations. One year ago the District’s negative cash flow was $100,000 per month. Today it is $50,000 per month.
The Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District will not have sufficient cash reserves to continue operating beginning January 2011. I recommended that unless the District has six months of operating capital available or otherwise committed by December 15, 2010, the Board of Directors should consider the possibility of suspending all program operations in Fort Bragg and Mendocino and “mothballing” the C.V. Starr Center until such funds are available.
Currently property taxes cover a little more than half of the $600,000 annual negative cash flow leaving the balance of about $250,000 a year to come from donations. Unfortunately donations and SCORE commitments (Starr Center Operating Reserve and Endowment fund) have not been enough and property tax reserves have been used to cover the negative cash flow between last June and now.
I also recommended that the MCRPD aggressively continue the process to either establish a Benefit Assessment Tax District or ask voters to approve a Parcel Tax in June 2011 to increase property tax funding for the District. The first step is a survey to determine what voters in the District will support. Only 25 to 30 percent of the District’s operating expenses are covered by property taxes. The appropriate level is between 50 and 75 percent.
Here is how you can help avoid a closure of these two vital facilities. I am asking the MCRPD staff and you to obtain 300 to 500 commitments and pledges of $100 per month for 12 months to cover operating expenses through June 30, 2011. Pledge cards and more information are available at the Starr Community Center and the Mendocino Community Center. Donations will be held in a special account until the six month goal is reached.
I deeply hope suspending district operations and “mothballing” the C.V. Starr Center can be avoided; however, we cannot ignore the fact that the MCRPD will be out of money by the end of December.
Jim Hurst
MCRPD Executive Director

Here is a PDF file for a SCORE card if you would like to help.

Friday, November 12, 2010

95th Birthday!

To keep from burning down the house we only used nine and a half candles!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nice to have a hobby

My mother-in-law and I have been building model airplanes in the living room while my wife is attending a weaving conference in Peru.  Margaret will be 95 (tomorrow).  I am only 70 (coming April) so I do all the work and she supervises!  We are a good team.

This is our, just completed, L-19 Bird Dog.  Hopefully it will be calm this afternoon and we can go to the Fort Bragg Fog Buster's flying field out Little Valley Road and give it a trial flight.  We'll see.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Who'ed a thunk it! I may live to see the day!

Monday, November 8, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

City of Fort Bragg Awarded $4.8 Million Grant for Construction of the Fort Bragg Coastal Trail Fort Bragg City Manager Linda Ruffing announced today that the City of Fort Bragg has been awarded a $4,850,000 grant for construction of a Coastal Trail and other park facilities on 92 acres of coastal parkland that was acquired by the City earlier this year with a $4,165,000 grant from the State Coastal Conservancy.
Proposition 84 - the 2006 Safe Drinking Water Bond Act - provides funding for park development in critically under served communities throughout California. This first round of funding awarded $184 Million through the “Statewide Park Program.” Competition for the funding was fierce with over 400 agencies submitting grant applications.
The Fort Bragg Coastal Trail project includes development of 4½ miles of multi-use trail along the coastal bluffs plus stairways to pocket beaches in two locations. Nearly 45 acres of pavement will be removed from the former mill site property and restored to native coastal habitat. The project also includes development of two parking lots, access roads, three restroom facilities, picnic areas, benches, interpretative signage, fencing and other improvements.
“The City is very fortunate to receive this funding. The Coastal Trail will connect our town to its spectacular coastline for the first time in 100 years. It will draw visitors to Fort Bragg and the Mendocino Coast, and it will provide a fabulous recreational experience for local residents and visitors alike,” said Fort Bragg Mayor Doug Hammerstrom. “The Prop 84 grant will enable our community to realize its dream of continued public access along the entire coastline of Fort Bragg. In these difficult economic times, we are thrilled to receive funding for construction of the Coastal Trail project, and we expect it will contribute significantly to Fort Bragg’s ongoing revitalization.”
There is still much work to be done. The City has been working for the past three years on the conceptual design and construction documents for the Coastal Trail and parkland facilities using a $750,000 federal appropriation secured by Congressman Mike Thompson. An Environmental Impact Report for the Coastal Trail project is being prepared and will be issued for public review early next year. Once the environmental review and permitting processes are completed, the City will put the project out to bid.
According to Fort Bragg Community Development Director Marie Jones who authored the successful grant application, “It is anticipated that construction will begin in 2011, and the Fort Bragg Coastal Trail and Parkland will be open for public access some time in 2012.
Until the grand opening ceremony in 2012, the parkland may not be accessed by the public except on docent-led tours conducted by the City.”

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Looking for Yellow

My wife has gone to Peru for a weaving conference leaving me to be the primary caregiver of her 95 year old mother!  So, what do I do with "granny"?  Today I took her for a wheelchair ride looking for Yellow.  She always keeps an eye out for Yellow when traveling between Seattle and Fort Bragg, Yellow cars in particular so, today we upped the ante!

 Yellow house.

 Yellow Jeep.

And...., a yellow Bikini!!
Whoot!  Whoot!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween decoration!

A nice touch to a brand new boat.
Read about this latest creation from Van Peer's Boatworks!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Still raining

 Pretty exciting after months and months of no rain.
My garden rain gauge has collected four and a half inches so far from this event!

A perfect occasion to stay dry and work on my flying boat!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Raining today

Rainy day, great for sitting around rooting through my archives.  Anyone remember ROADCOW?
Down to Cabo San Lucas.  Up to Prudhoe Bay!  We did it all....

 Prudhoe Bay, edge of the Artic Ocean

If it is raining where you are and you are not a Giants fan.  Here is my account of our trip to Alaska.