Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tramping around Tuesday

The street resurfacing project is coming to an end for this season making local residents, mail delivery people and the garbage pickup folks very happy.  This photo is looking south at the third and final coat on Corry Street; the Methodist Church and Presbyterian Church in the distance.  Street marking yet to go.

The resurfacing company is using this lot to the north of the Catholic Church as a staging area.

Signs of Fall Color are subtle here on the coast but this caught my eye.

Meanwhile the mums are doing great.

Towards the south end of Corry this little rooster was crowing quite nicely.  Having grown up around chickens as a kid his song is music to my ears.

On Whipple I have been watching the building of this new house.

It is a pre-fab home with the walls and rafters pre assembled.

Interesting that the company doesn't have a webpage.  Rather rare these days.  Wait!!  I just "Googled " and discovered they do have a webpage.

I'm also happy to discover a new (to me) blogger almost next door!!  Check out:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Rap

I decided to walk out Cedar Street and return on Oak to see how the repaving was going.  Heading east on Cedar I couldn't help but notice the moon and the radio tower and decided to see if I could get them lined up.  Above is the result!

This mom deer got interested in my effort.  Using the flash gave me this strange result.  How do I know this deer is a mom?

Her kids!  One watching mom to see what she is going to do next and one watching me!!

Meanwhile, paving....  This is where Sherwood Road becomes Oak Street right at the city limit.  The city is having Oak repaved from the city limit to Harold Street and I must admit, Oak Street really needed repaving.

The next street north, Cedar is also being repaved from the city limit to Harold.

As an aside, I have added a Zune MP3 player to my morning walk.  Today was my second day of trying it out.  I like it but I am not sure how much of an impact it is going to have.  Will it distract my "Walking and Gawking" and ultimately my blog?   Not sure.   Currently I have loaded some Podcasts; " This American Life", "Car Talk", and Spanish lessons from "Coffee Break Spanish".

Time will tell.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lots of activity

The parking at Dana Gray Elementary has been re-done along with the roof and many other upgrades.

Main Street (Highway 1) is almost completely resurfaced through town.

There is lots of activity at the former mill site.

And Harrison, Whipple and Corry are getting their second coat of slurry and gravel (chip seal).
Busy.  Busy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Up there and Down here

Walking out the door this morning at 6:10 I happened to look up and notice Orion.  I like the Orion Constellation but I also hate to see it because it is the harbinger of Winter.

As an aside, I want to praise my camera!  It is a Canon S3-IS and I have used it for all my blogging photos.  For the above photo I used a tripod, the M for "manual" setting with the speed set at 15 seconds and aperture set at F 3.5.  I chose manual focus and set it to infinity and the shutter delay at 10 seconds.  There is a wee bit of shake apparent because I forgot to turn off the image stabilization so I think the lens was doing a little bit of hunting,  Still in all, a very remarkable "point and shoot" camera.  It is also light enough in weight I decided to take it with me during my backpacking trip.  During that trip I shot 495 photos with the camera set on the highest quality setting and powered it all with just one set of EverReady AA 2,500 mAh rechargeable batteries!!

I took this photo for Mark at Beating the Bounds to prove there is at least a wee bit of civilization in Fort Bragg!

Daybreak one year ago.  Looking west down Maple Street at the mill site.

Same shot this morning at 7:12.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Morning Haul Road Walk

I decided to walk out the Haul Road to Virgin Creek and back.  I hadn't gone on any long walks since my hike in the Sierra.  Time to see how everything is doing out that way.
This cluster of ducks were doing their thing in Pudding Creek as viewed from the Trestle Bridge.

It looks like Pudding Creek was well used this past weekend!

Not even 7:00 AM and Baxman's is roaring away.  I always find it amazing how Fort Bragg's industry claimed the waterfront but then it was that way in Seattle and Portland too.

This Black Shouldered Kite was hovering and looking for breakfast.
Correction from Ed.  "White Tailed Kite, formerly known as the Black Shouldered Kite."

And it was successful.  S/he landed in this tree to eat its catch.

A Killdeer and a resting duck.

A flying pig? Weathervane along Glass Beach Drive.

Observing the retreating marine layer.  Bye bye!!  And about damn time!
Happy Fall folks!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fog Fun

Mark at "Beating the Bounds" really inspires me with the photos he takes in inclemet weather so waking to heavy fog this morning was looked upon as an opportunity rather than a reason to just roll over and go back to sleep.  The above photo is looking out the gate of Wiggly Giggly park where each morning I start my morning walk by "attempting" four chin-ups and six modified push-ups!

Chris's shop on Franklin was worthy of a photo.

Besides, she sells my Fort Bragg Odditiy shirts!!  Modest plug!

Main Street in the morning. (Also known as Highway 1)

Would you look at that!  6:34 already!

People are starting to move around.

As you can see, the un-molested trees along Franklin Street are really starting to take off.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


It looks like they are off to a bad start with the resurfacing project.

It looks like the slurry is too thin and the rocks too thick but, what do I know, "I'm just an observer by nature" !

Speaking of observing nature, these flowers in the alleyway by Fort Bragg Glass are really something!

I spent all day yesterday putting together a travelogue of our High Sierra adventure on my webpage.  If you have some spare time or a rainy day you might check it out.

Undecided weather

Yesterday afternoon!  Note the blue sky!

6:15 this morning.  Note the waining moon.

And the marine layer overcast with a thin strip of clear sky towards the eastern sunrise.

Opps, distracted by a yard sale.

Ah yes, the sun is rising.

But there is a massive rainbow to the west.

Another distraction, Perkins and Whipple (note the jog that distinquishes the two streets!) now have their slurry coat.

As I walk home I note a wee bit of sun shining through to the western end of Bush Street.
Now, an hour later, as I compile this morning's effort into a blog... it is raining!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Marine Layer Surprises

What with the marine layer and daylight savings it is pretty dark around town at 6:00 in the morning.  I shot these Poppies with flash and I am surprised at the outcome.  Nice!

More street art on Brandon Way.

But not for long.

Tomorrow is the day for resurfacing.

These fine flowers are growing by the Senior Center.  Subdued lighting works quite well!

Ken's car and Columbi's corner.  Perfect!

Here is the resurfacing equipment getting ready to have at it!

Micropaver from www.Slurry.com

End of the season blooms.

To me, this house says, Fort Bragg, California.

And on we go.