31 degrees this morning. I could hear the surf as a continous white noise even from my bed encouraging me to get up and come see! And, as always, I'm glad I did. The Pudding Creek Trestle was slick with frost but not impossible to cross even though State Parks had put up warning signs at the southern end.

A thin crust of ice had formed in the pot holes.

Frost on the Headlands. A seldom seen scene!

I was suprised to see strings of pelicans using the high surf conditions to cruise along, rising and dipping as the waves broke.

There was even a dusting of frost on the sand dunes!

This would have been a great photograph if my hands and camera weren't so darn cold!

On the way home I spotted this pair of Brewer's Blackbirds as they spotted me!
A glorious morning as news of massive storms rake most of the country. The weatherman says we will have rain this weekend.