Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An Announcement.

No! Not the end of the world. Not even the end of this blog. This is last evening's sky looking west over the top of the old Footlighter's building. But I am using this photo to announce that this is the last post of this blog for about a week. I have been invited for a pre-Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving and post-Thanksgiving visit to my sister and brother-in-law's in Dublin.

No! Not that Dublin; Dublin, California!

I plan to be back blogging the 1st or 2nd of December. So, meanwhile I want to wish happy holidays to Ed and Suzanne, the other Suzanne, shout out a "Yo Bro" to my Bro, wish safe travels to Short Legs, hold the fort Elaine!, have a great week Mark, Spike, Christine, Larry.

And to all you lurkers out there, thanks for checking!! Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Social Networking?

There is a tree across from Purity Market where sparrows spend the night.  You can see a few of the branches in the upper right of this photo.  During the day the birds are out and about but come evening they return to this tree.

I walked over there in the late afternoon a few days ago to see if I could make a recording of their chatter.  I watched as groups of tens and twenties flew into the tree top and disappeared but for some reason they were keeping quiet.

This morning I walked by in the near dark and they were singing up a storm!


As a bonus, you can hear the foghorn at the entrance to Noyo Harbor towards the end of the recording.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Items of Interest

This is the current location of Caltrans, behind City Hall, while they wait for their new facility to be completed north of town.

I see there is new construction going on behind the Hospitality House.  Additional facilities, hopefully.

I read in yesterday's Fort Bragg Advocate an item in the "Glance at the Past" Section which stated:

"72 YEARS AGO --Nov. 17, 1936
P.A.Stenburg is building a new home on his ranch on Sherwood Road and expects to move shortly.  The home now occupied by Mr. Stenberg at the corner of Laurel and McPherson streets will be taken by John Schlosser and family.

I hot-footed it over to the corner of McPherson and Laurel and am now wondering which house they are talking about.  This one or the one above which was built in 1894.  Both names, Stenburg and Schlosser are still prominent in Fort Bragg.  Maybe I will find out!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Afternoon Walk

Heading north out of town I noticed this Datura bush.  Each year it looks like it is almost dead and then it surprises me!

This is Fort Bragg's smallest park although I don't know if it is actually an official park.  Just two trees, one bench and a perfect viewing spot for the departure or arrival of the Skunk Train!

The new "Force Main Project" along side the Pudding Creek Highway One bridge nears completion.

The new Cal Trans equipment and office building nears completion.

Colorful plant alongside Highway One.  I don't know what it is.
Angela commented: The "colorful plant alongside Highway One" is New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax). That one's likely a hybrid... many varieties available. It's a great landscape plant!

A windbreak of Cypress trees planted years ago.  The prevailing northern wind has trained them to lean south.

Out beyond Virgin Creek a surfer waits....

and finally gets his short lived reward for patience.

Another example of patience but for what, I don't know.

Along my return I found a possible entry for the CTC "Crooked Tree Contest" I am having with "Beating the Bounds".

All in all a pleasant walk with threatening rain at the begining and a sunshine finish.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The big divide.

You may have noticed in this blog I don't take photos of people.  I find it awkward to ask permission because it screws up the "moment" but I would feel like a voyeur if I didn't.  So I don't shoot people.

But, there's usually a group of young people hanging out in the alley between Headlands Coffee House and V'cantos.  They are a colorful lot and full of youthful angst.  Very photogenic.  But my older age (probably ancient to them) and my internal "judgemental attitude" makes for a big divide.

This time I finally couldn't resist.

I ask the girl with the laptop if it was okay to take their picture.

She asked, "Why?"

"Well, because I want to."

Thinking that sounded lame I said, "I have a blog called Walking Fort Bragg and gave her "my card".

She nodded assent.

Feeling more "legit" I backed off and took this photo.

There are a lot of colorful people in this town and it is hard for me to overcome my judgmental attitude and ask permission for a photograph but...,

I'm working on it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Winter isn't here yet and I see the Rhododendrons are already getting ready for Spring.  I like their optimism.

I spotted this young seagull that is off to a rough start.  Not a whole lot of optimism there.

The wind is changing to the south.

Last weekend was one of the most spectacular weekends we have had this year.  The temperature was in the 80's, the beaches and parks were crowded with picnickers.  The grocery stores had  runs on beer, chips and barbecue items!  Now the clouds are moving in.
Oh well, like we all say, "We need the rain".

Monday, November 17, 2008

My camera

Various people have asked me what camera I use.

Here it is!

Why the photo of the one gallon can "butt kit"?  Because the cost of my camera is about the same as two full butt kits!

I smoked for years and it was finally the cost of the filthy habit, the actual amount of money going up in smoke year after year, that finally caused me to want to quit.

I am so happy I finally did and I am so sorry for those who are still addicted.

I see butt kits around town outside various public places, churches and stores.  This one was outside the side door of the Methodist Church.  They have an outreach program for those in need and it seems a lot of the needy need cigarettes.

Among others.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Focused in the Fog

Although today dawned clear I accumulated some fog photos this past week that are worth a look.  

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Far and Near

A sphere in space, the newly discovered bubble nebula.

Spheres on a web at Wiggly Giggly Park.

Orbs near and far!
I love it!!


I wandered over for a look.

The 14" main had been leaking for a while.  A service truck, parking by the curb, broke through and got stuck.  Then the water really started gushing.  By the time I got there the stuck truck had been pulled out.  Public Works had shut off some valves and was pumping out water prior to repairing the pipe.

Pumping out the water.
Sending the water across Oak Street to the storm drains.

It looks like the city worker are about to be "busted"!!

This morning, the day after, the leak has been repaired and a temporary cover placed over the hole.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Elaine's Willits Daily Photo caused me to take a walk and check out our own Veterans Memorial Building.

Carl Steinburg had just finished setting up the interior for the 11:00 AM ceremony.

Everything waiting in readiness.