You may have noticed in this blog I don't take photos of people. I find it awkward to ask permission because it screws up the "moment" but I would feel like a voyeur if I didn't. So I don't shoot people.
But, there's usually a group of young people hanging out in the alley between Headlands Coffee House and V'cantos. They are a colorful lot and full of youthful angst. Very photogenic. But my older age (probably ancient to them) and my internal "judgemental attitude" makes for a big divide.
This time I finally couldn't resist.
I ask the girl with the laptop if it was okay to take their picture.
She asked, "Why?"
"Well, because I want to."
Thinking that sounded lame I said, "I have a blog called Walking Fort Bragg and gave her "my card".
She nodded assent.
Feeling more "legit" I backed off and took this photo.
There are a lot of colorful people in this town and it is hard for me to overcome my judgmental attitude and ask permission for a photograph but...,
I'm working on it.