First off, I spotted another heart for my Lolli!
(Who is in Seattle taking care of her, almost, 96 year old mother.)
I discovered it during this morning's wandering walk!!
A total of four miles connecting Fort Bragg's streets and alleys!
Meanwhile and elsewhere..., recent sightings of construction during these "slow" times.
The future home of European Auto on Cypress Street.
The new apartments across from Social Services on South Franklin are almost done.
A big, new, addition at the Dana Gray High School.
Support columns for a solar panel array at the Middle School on North Harold Street.
And our old favorite! Continued construction of the "Round-about" at the intersection of HWY 1 and Simpson Lane. A friend of mine says he is taking his lawn chair down to watch the fun when it finally becomes operational.
Meanwhile, don't forget this...,
Tune in and pledge!