Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hike it, Bike it, I like it!

Next week, October 3 ~ 7 is

The 2011 Walk to School Day Slogan: "Hike it. Bike it. I like it!"

Wednesday, October 5th parents are asked to form, "Walking School Buses" and "Bike Trains", so  children can safely travel to school.

For more information call 961-2877

Monday, September 26, 2011

Let the education begin!!

The Simpson Lane ~ HWY 1 round-a-bout, although not completed, is now open for business!
Oh Boy!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Work at Bainbridge Park

Fort Bragg Public Works is removing several of the old pines at Bainbridge Park getting ready for an improved picnic area.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My brother and I are still at it!

 Coupeville, WA

Fort Bragg, CA

Recording our routes using "My Tracks" on our cell phones!

Boys will be boys, even more so in our Golden Years!!  :-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Recent observations

First off, I spotted another heart for my Lolli!
(Who is in Seattle taking care of her, almost, 96 year old mother.)
I discovered it during this morning's wandering walk!!

A total of four miles connecting Fort Bragg's streets and alleys!

Meanwhile and elsewhere..., recent sightings of construction during these "slow" times.

The future home of European Auto on Cypress Street.

The new apartments across from Social Services on South Franklin are almost done.

A big, new, addition at the Dana Gray High School.

Support columns for a solar panel array at the Middle School on North Harold Street.

And our old  favorite! Continued construction of the "Round-about" at the intersection of HWY 1 and Simpson Lane.  A friend of mine says he is taking his lawn chair down to watch the fun when it finally becomes operational.

Meanwhile, don't forget this...,

 Tune in and pledge!

Monday, September 12, 2011

New app.

My brother in Coupeville, Washington introduced me to a new app. for smart phones.
It is called, "My Tracks".
It will record my movements when I turn it on and at the end of my walk, biking, swimming, I upload the information.  The end result is a map of my walk and a page of statistics!
Completing this morning's walk to Mckerricher State Park and back my smartphone looked like this.

Here are the uploaded statistics.
"Enbiggen" for a better view.

Yesterday's bike ride around town looks like this on my home computer.

(I was checking out all the dead ends!)

Then my brother e-mailed me a new twist!

HELLO formed by selectively walking some of the streets in Coupeville!!

I am contemplating a rebuttal!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

SF and back

 I had to zip down to San Francisco and back last Wednesday and happened upon this photo opportunity.  Just wanted to share it  'cause I think it is pretty swell!

I got back to Fort Bragg in time for Wednesday's Farmer's Market.  Bought some sweet corn from Gowan's.  I believe our Wednesday Farmer's Market will continue until the end of October.  Sure hope so!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

I took an early morning walk around town and got to noticing how our flag was being used.
It soon became a quest to photograph it's many uses.

 Today is the Paul Bunyan Parade.

Have a nice Labor Day.

Friday, September 2, 2011

10,700 car tires!

I was told the asphalt top coat our streets are getting contains ground up car tires!
Ten thousand and seven hundred tires used in the current street work!!

First a layer of chip seal with rock spread on it and then the asphalt topcoat put on top.  The end result is quite smooth and nice.  But car tires?  I had no idea!