Wee flowers are starting to open.
This is looking down on what I think are Indian Paintbrush.
The Marine Layer starting to thin east of Lake Cleone.
Algae covered rocks just below the southwest end of Pudding Creek Trestle uncovered due to low tide. Obviously too much "fertilizer" in Pudding Creek.
All in all a nice walk and to top it off, a lady walking past stopped and asked "Are you that Walking Fort Bragg guy"?
I replied, "I are"!!
It seems they are earlier than elsewhere in town because they are further inland and more protected from the storm winds from the south.
This little cluster I found in Otis Johnson Park.
And this photo is of the new CERN cyclotron which will soon tear subatomic particles apart. What amazes me is how come we humans seem to be located right in the middle between the very large and the very small. Anyway, that's one of the things I like to ponder as I walk along.
Beating the Bounds says "No walk (or blog) seems to be complete without some fungi". I agree but he sure knows his fungi better than I!
Low lying fog north of Mackerricher State Park.
The Pudding Creek Trestle Pidgeons!
From the Pudding Creek Trestle the post eclipse moon settles into the west.
Fortunately I was awaken by the "post" eclipsed moon shining in my bedroom window at 5:20 AM. I decided to get up and see if I could get a photo of the moon setting over the Noyo Bridge. I did! But I was also able to capture that first photo which looks like an eclipsed moon but was actually the moon setting this morning with the atmosphere making it look reddish. Cool!!
And finally..., the other morning I spotted this fishing boat out on the horizon with it's lights on.
I only saw three plants still struggling to survive. All the rest were gone.