Saturday, October 21, 2006

Surprise Canyon

This is it! The road less traveled!

Friday I found a place to park my VW beside the Surprise Canyon road and set up camp.

In the evening I hiked one and a half miles up the road and back. I have been concerned about the relentless elevation gain but returned to camp feeling refreshed.

This morning I hiked two miles up and back only this time I wore my old Kelty backpack loaded with various things as dead weight. I got to breathing pretty good and my heart rate up but stopping to take photographs now and then helps!!

During my walk I saw fresh coyote scat but I never heard them sing during the night. My friends the Ravens are here. I holler at them and they will interrupt where they are going and come take a look at me!!

Now I am back in camp looking out over the vast Panamint Valley. One car went by yesterday. Two this morning.

Pretty quiet around here!

Monday I will hike up to Panamint City. I plan to stay several days.


  1. Love the photo! Can hardly imagine being so alone and so quiet. Sounds wonderful!
