Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Early Morning Dew and a Correction!

The moisture in the air and early sunrise made for some interesting photo possibilities. Too bad I didn't have my tripod with me.

I got this "Correction" from my pal Johanna concerning my coverage of the doggie event during "First Friday":

"With due respect to my pal Ron, this was the PUP PJ Contest - prizes for the best doggie jammies. The Ugly Dog contest is Sept 5th as part of our Paul Bunyan Days festival... "

Thanks Johanna for keeping me honest!


  1. PJ's can sure be ugly - no wonder you got mixed up! Honest mistake.

    BTW, LOVED the flower pic with the cool white outline. How'd you draw that?! :)

  2. The white outline was just the tiny hairs being sun-lit. No post processing involved.

  3. Nice photo of the flower which seems illuminated by the sun.

  4. I agree with Diane; can understand the donfusion. Very nice post yesterday. But where's my Walking Fort Bragg fix for today, bro? :-)
