Friday, May 8, 2009

Chris joins me for a walk and gawk to Edmonds and back

Just walking and talking and me shooting stuff along the way.  Nice!

I'm going to be gone tomorrow morning so this blog will skip a day.  Have a great weekend.  Happy Mother's day to all you mom's out there.


  1. Great shots! (I put salt on the slug I saw this a.m.! Now I feel bad) Happy Mother's Day to dear Margaret!

  2. Oh dear, let a day go by and suddenly there are all these posts with wonderful pictures & I don't have time to comment individually, tho as you may know, I am a partisan of R.E.D. and of any flower close-ups. However, I just had to note the excellent pic of the slug, which shows him to be far more than a slimy critter. I promise to take a closer look at my garden slugs this year, if I see them, that is.
