Monday, December 29, 2008

Day Two. Still gittin' there.

How about "Walking Dublin"!!

My sister and I got in an early morning walk, she says "hike", to the top of the hill behind their house! Perfect!

I noticed they have the same sort of signage we have!!
I inspected some grapefruit along the way unlike anything I have seen in Fort Bragg.

Yesterday I crossed the Golden Gate.

Later in the day, after my visit to Fort Miley, this was the line up for the Bay Bridge on my way to Dublin. A beautiful day with horrible traffic. Some folks drive this mess every day!

I am so lucky.

And now, breakfast over, Day Two, time to head north.

1 comment:

  1. I like your eye, Ron. And thanks for the link -- I wish I still had your energy, but then i'm more than a few years up on you!
