Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Special Day

My 93 year old! mother-in-law is visiting for a few weeks and yesterday we took her for a walk on the Haul Road.

  The weather was spectacular but cool.  Here, my wife is pushing mom across the refurbished trestle bridge.

Along the way we spotted this Osprey flying inland with a fish!

The old haul road is a bit bumpy for a wheelchair but we had a great time and walked as far as Virgin Creek before turning back.

The frosting on the cake was seeing Gray Whale spouts!  There was a group of about six heading south on their annual migration to the lagoons of Bahia California.


  1. I miss seeing the whales. It looks like a grand, if nippy day.

  2. After the stunning sunsets: whale spouts and an osprey! Great stuff - a reminder, if it was needed, of why its always good to get out!

  3. What a fantastic looking walk. Whales! I'm so envious. I bet your MIL was thrilled to be out in such a lovely place.

  4. Hey Ron, wonderful 'family' photos. Catching that whale spout with a digital camera was quite a feat. We have the same camera and there's always a delay when you "shoot" a picture. How'd you do it?

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