Friday, May 29, 2009

Wrap Up

Well, Kids, I'm loading the ol' Vanagon and getting ready to hit the road for Californie!  What would be really cool is walking to California via the Pacific Coast Trail but it isn't in the cards this time.  My wife arrives this afternoon to take over the care giving duties and I return to my life of sloth!  I can't wait!

But I must admit the Great North Wet has become extremely beautiful these past couple of weeks.  I took these photos in Granny's yard after I finished mowing yesterday.

And I made dinner, one last time, one of our favorites, spagetti!  This care-giving gig seemed like it was going to last forever but now it is over, for me.  Granny is doing really well but still needs live-in help.

This is my last blog from the Shoreline area of Washington State.  I should be "Walking Fort Bragg" next week.

In the meantime you might give that sketchy "app" over there on the left a try and you might also enjoy checking out the "Links I Like" on the left.  Particularly "Roz".

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