Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Long Haul

I had it in mind to see about doing a ten mile walk this morning. I'm trying to stretch my envelope in preparation for my birthday walk come April. Again I headed out the Haul Road, the edge of the "Marine Layer" out on the horizon.

Wee flowers are starting to open.

This is looking down on what I think are Indian Paintbrush.

I walked on past Mackerricher Park and finally arrived at the end of the blacktopped portion of the haul road. Just a little over five miles from home. Perfect!

I know ice plant is considered an invasive plant and in disfavor but it sure was pretty this morning.

Could be art!

The Marine Layer starting to thin east of Lake Cleone.

Algae covered rocks just below the southwest end of Pudding Creek Trestle uncovered due to low tide. Obviously too much "fertilizer" in Pudding Creek.

All in all a nice walk and to top it off, a lady walking past stopped and asked "Are you that Walking Fort Bragg guy"?

I replied, "I are"!!


  1. Ooh er, yer famous! Is it weird?

    That marine layer makes some excellent photo ops.

  2. Wish I had been on that walk. Simply beautiful. SL
