Another use for shopping carts!!
Sunday night someone blasted out of the RiteAid parking lot, not out the driveway no, this person jumped the parking lot curb, took out one of the city trees beside HWY 1 and a cast concrete streetlight pole!!

The location where the car came to rest is marked with florescent paint on the sidewalk. I'm sure we will be able to read all about it in this Thursday's Fort Bragg Advocate.
This "birds eye view" caught my interest while walking over the Noyo Bridge.

This also caught my eye. It concerns the land you see beyond this sign which is located near the intersection of Highway One and Highway 20. It proposes: ".... construction of 70 residential units, two office buildings, a 140-seat restaurant and a gas station/mini-mart".
With the economy going like it is, as the Zen Master said, "We'll see."
And finally..., the other morning I spotted this fishing boat out on the horizon with it's lights on.
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