I specifically decided to look for cats during this mornings walk.
And I found a few.
Enjoying the rising sun.
But then got sidetracked by the medical helicopter lifting off from our local hospital and happened to catch a Raven in the frame.
And couldn't pass up this snail and his/hers, its? shadow!
As for Roger's list of birds spotted during our Skunk Train track trek....
Let me mention, we walked from Willits to Fort Bragg NOT from Fort Bragg to Willits. It doesn't change the 40 mile distance but it does change the progression of bird sightings.
Saturday June 13, 2009
01 American Robin
02 Common Raven
03 Spotted Towhee
04 Red-breasted Sapsucker
05 Nuttall's Woodpecker
06 Swainson's Thrush
07 California Quail
08 Wrentit
09 Western Scrub-Jay
10 Brewer's Blackbird
11 Turkey Vulture
12 Black Phoebe
13 Pacific-slope Flycatcher
14 Dark-eyed Junco
15 Steller's Jay
16 Lesser Goldfinch
17 Bewick's Wren
18 Band-tailed Pigeon
19 Barn Swallow
20 Ash-throated Flycatcher
21 Red-shouldered Hawk
22 Cassin's Vireo
23 Black-throated Gray Warbler
24 Pileated Woodpecker
25 Sooty Grouse
26 Western Bluebird
27 Western Kingbird
28 Violet-green Swallow
29 Acorn Woodpecker
30 Oak Titmouse
31 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
32 Hermit Thrush
Sunday June 14,
33 Western Tanager
34 Winter Wren
35 Wilson's Warbler
36 Orange-crowned Warbler
37 Song Sparrow
38 Allen's Hummingbird
39 Black-headed Grosbeak
Monday, June 15,
40 Belted Kingfisher
41 Nothern Flicker
42 Cliff Swallow
Tuesday, June 16,
43 Mourning Dove
44 Brown Creeper
45 Eurasian Collared-Dove
46 Warbling Vireo
47 Mallard
48 American Goldfinch
49 House Finch
50 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
51 White-crowned Sparrow
52 Osprey
53 Marsh Wren
Thanks Roger.
Wow Ron. That is quite a list of different birds spotted on your walk. I see your cats are the same as our - like to sit and watch the world go by.