Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Observations from Drip City

This morning I got intrigued by water droplets back-lit by a sodium vapor street light.

And the Green,


Red of the traffic light at this intersection.

And, of course, I had to document this cool neon!

This morning's walk was a grocery run (walk) to QFC for milk, strawberry jelly, grapes and honey.  Total backpack weight 15 pounds.  Total cost. $26.36.  But it was a half gallon of milk, 48 ounces of honey and two jars of jam (on sale)!  The bunch of red seedless grapes were $5.78!!

As you may know I am now the primary care giver for my ninty three year old mother-in-law so this Walking Fort Bragg Blog is coming to you direct from Shoreline, Washington!!


  1. It's surprising what can be done with neon.

    Ron, I hope you've got lots of reflectors on your gear. It looks really dark out there.

  2. I like the droplets (soon you'll have a collection of droplet photos if you don't already). And I liked the red, yellow, green. I'm visualizing a Traffic Triptych.

  3. That neon shirt belongs in an art show. (BTW, the John McPhee is great -- go ahead and get the full story across the entire USA, Annals of a Former World)

  4. Drip city; you crack me up! Love the tie. You might want to go out and get a sun lamp....

  5. Big continued thanks for always keepin your site running.

    Love Fort Bragg, only been there once, but it has a lasting impression in my head. And your site makes me miss it with each post.
