I walked the 10.4 miles in three and a half hours. Along the way I found a surprise, this bra. If you are missing one it is near the "northern" turn-off to Caspar. West side of Highway One.
And of course there was the usual Opossum, flat as a fart. They never seem to learn.
And, unfortunately, there was this goose which had wandered away from its usual location at the pond by the Caspar Road. During my walk I also saw two dead deer and one dead buzzard. I also noticed plastic waterbottles outnumbered beer bottles and cans by at least 10 to 1. Possibly because there is a return deposit on bottles and cans.
But, beside roadside mayhem and mess, there were also stunning views from the various bridges along the way.
Part of my reason for wanting to walk to Mendocino was so I could add some Mendocino items to my blog (My "Walking Fort Bragg" criteria is to post only things I have walked to).
So, for you folks interested in Geocaching, I have a "virtual" geocache in Mendocino. The name of it is, "The Seven Benches of Mendocino". It is a self-guided walking tour/treasure hunt. The hunt part is finding seven different benches scattered around Mendocino using Lat. and Long. coordinates and a hand held GPSr. Many people have done this walk and enjoyed it.

The other item I have wanted to mention is this wonderful sculpture John Fisher carved at the Mendocino Art Center. He started with a ten ton block of Texas Limestone. In two and a half months he ended up with this, "The Three Ages of Women". Be sure to click "up" through the progress photos along the right side of the webpage.
And finally, a "Well Done! to my daughter-in-law, who walked 26 miles this weekend in the San Francisco, American Cancer Society's, "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" Marathon!
Woo Hoo!!
more testing.