Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Travelogue: Part Three, Hilton Lake Hike.

A sign at the trailhead had a quote by John Muir:
"I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in."

Looking back at Rock Creek Lake, my starting point.

I had to stop and add another twist to this big ol' stump!

I arrived at Upper Hilton Lake. It turned out to be dry! I could see on my GPS that the bigger Hilton Lake was several switchbacks further down the hill but I had had enough. I kicked back to enjoy some trailmix and it started to rain!

Time to return to the Mothership.

Some really amazing old trees along the way.

And the Aspen starting to turn.

Rock Creek Lake coming back into view with mixed thunder, lightning, rain, hail and sunshine!
I'm not used to high country weather which, in this case, signified not much.

With the Labor day weekend almost over it is time to get my back country permit at the Mammoth Lakes Ranger Station and get ready for McGee Pass and the High Sierra!


  1. That tree stump is amazing and Rock Creek Lake is a view I know I would like to see.

  2. I came across this twisting snags up here in the Cascades as well. Any guess as to which tree it is?

  3. Love the John Muir quote! (and that knotty tree is awesome)
