This morning was another morning where the force of gravity seemed extra strong in my bed. If I listened very carefully I could convince myself I heard light rain. I took comfort in that thought and snuggled deeper into the covers but soon started thinking, I really ought to get up and take a look to make sure it is in fact raining. Long story short, I got up, looked out the window and the stars were shining!! Nothing left but to get dressed and out the door.

I did my pre-walk stretching against the old Square Pole on the corner of Laurel and Harrison and then headed north. Nothing particularly in mind. When I got to Bush I decided to head west and check out the progress on the Pudding Creek Trestle.

When I got to the bridge it was still quite dark so I decided to continue on out the Haul Road for a while. I spotted a Buffle Head duck feeding in the Virgin Creek pond. The sky was getting lighter and I then noticed a rainbow in the clouds over the ocean. A glorious morning in progress. The sun cleared the coastal hills at 7:13 AM!
Next a walker came striding along and I thought I recognized him. I asked if he'd mind if I joined him. “Not at all”.

And that is how I ended up walking a total of six miles this morning. My personal best!! Woo Hoo!
Go Ron!