But enough frivolity! Back to the business of 'Walking Fort Bragg" (and learning).
I stopped by the Guest House Museum yesterday (Open 10~2 Thursday and Sundays during the winter) and, with permission, took a photo of:

"This diagram to be used with photograph "Fort Bragg City-1890"
Diagram + Information for Union Lbr. Company, by Charles Weller ll”
This “Diagram” is posted below a 1890 photo of Fort Bragg which was taken from the roof of the Elementary School ("#83") fronting Harrison St. between Laurel St. and Redwood Ave. The Elementary School is gone. Currently the property is a park.
This “Diagram” is posted below a 1890 photo of Fort Bragg which was taken from the roof of the Elementary School ("#83") fronting Harrison St. between Laurel St. and Redwood Ave. The Elementary School is gone. Currently the property is a park.
I plan to use the guide to locate and photograph the buildings that still exist, fore instance:

#35 The First Baptist Church.

I have similar maps and it's never occured to me to take them on wlakies. Must remedy.
ReplyDeleteWalkies nt wlakies.
ReplyDeleteCharles Weller II was the grandson of Horace Weller of the Weller House.