I decided to walk out the Haul Road to Virgin Creek and back. I hadn't gone on any long walks since my hike in the Sierra. Time to see how everything is doing out that way.
This cluster of ducks were doing their thing in Pudding Creek as viewed from the Trestle Bridge.
It looks like Pudding Creek was well used this past weekend!
Not even 7:00 AM and Baxman's is roaring away. I always find it amazing how Fort Bragg's industry claimed the waterfront but then it was that way in Seattle and Portland too.
This Black Shouldered Kite was hovering and looking for breakfast.
Correction from Ed. "White Tailed Kite, formerly known as the Black Shouldered Kite."
And it was successful. S/he landed in this tree to eat its catch.
A Killdeer and a resting duck.
A flying pig? Weathervane along Glass Beach Drive.
Observing the retreating marine layer. Bye bye!! And about damn time!
Happy Fall folks!!
I love that porcine weathervane.