Addressing the last of the little pin holes and little gaps in the fiberglass parts with two part filler and a razor blade. We are finally down to the nit picky.
Jeff brought home the last of the fittings needed for the new air dryer/filter. We finished putting up and taping in place the visqueen walls of the spray booth.
By evening we had hung the ailerons and flaps, gave them their last tack cloth wipe and shot them with a two part catalyzed white base coat. Waited fifteen minutes for them to tack and gave them a second coat of white. They ended up flat "bone white . Perfect!
Time to shoot the gloss coat....
Two layers of clear gloss and they look "WET"!! Unfortunately a bit too wet in some places because there are some runs we will have to deal with later but, Whoot! Whoot! NO ORANGE PEEL!
Orange peel was my biggest fear and it looks like we have a good handle on that.
I'm taking today off. My wife has a day off from care taking her mom! We are going to meet at some friends in Olympia and spend the evening/night! A much needed break for both of us!!
Stay tuned.
What can I say ... nerd heaven!