Thursday, December 6, 2007

Visual Topography

This morning I noticed how the streetlights indicate the lay of the land. This photo is looking north up Franklin Street. The first cross street in view is Oak Street and the beginning of the Franklin Street "Re-do". The next street (the low part) is Alder Street. I understand there is a "capped" stream under or near Alder Street . Franklin Street then rises to Redwood Avenue, remains pretty much flat to Laurel Street and then starts to slope down a bit to Pine Street. There you have it, my early morning topolographical observation!


Tomorrow evening will be what we call "First Friday". Shop owners spruce up a bit extra and stay open later the first Friday of every month but in December the dog is really put on for Christmas/Holiday shoppers. And this time, for the first time, I'm going to be selling my Fort Bragg "Odditiy" shirt, sweats and hoodies at my wife's Fort Bragg Fabric Studio which is located on the alley behind the Old Bottling Works building. 122 East Fir. "Fabric Studio" banners and signage will be visible when you get close. I will also have some of my "Franklin Street Re-do" photo essay books on hand. I hope you can walk over and take a look!

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