Talk about Monster Machines! This little beauty is eating Franklin Street! It is basically a big Roto-Tiller and can munch its way through black-top all the way down to the underlying dirt at walking speed! Yesterday it completely mulched the full width of North Franklin Street from Oak Street to Laurel Street. Three city blocks, all in one day!
Then the debris is loaded and hauled away.
The end result. The new curbs and sidewalks are done.
Final grading for the new blacktop is in the future. Two weeks?
Our refurbished library is open and looking great!!
The new swim center is coming along nicely.

Inside, they are holding classes for culverts. NOT !
Actually the pool has not been dug yet. These "culverts" will probably be part of the ventilation system.

Jens of “
Walking Berkeley” mentioned a website called “
Walk Score”. You can enter your address and the name of your town and receive a “Walk Score” as to how friendly your town is for walking. I did the numbers for Fort Bragg and received, on a scale of 0-100, a 95!! Your results may vary depending on where you live in relation to town.
Franklin Street looks great. Now if we had horse and buggies instead of cars...